A turn-of-the-century silk beaver hat perches atop a mid-century sofa; an art deco sterling service designed by famed Fratelli Cucchioni sits on an adjacent glass coffee table. These are a few of the pieces found at Elizabeth Jackson’s showroom, located at 207 Liberty Square, South Norwalk, and she is eager to share their history. In these cases, the hat was worn by the groom at his wedding and the tea service spruced up a gentleman’s yacht.

Until a year ago, Elizabeth was known exclusively for high-end estate sales, having conducted over a hundred such events from Fairfield to Westchester and beyond. No longer confined to three-day weekend sales, her vintage showroom is open to the public to browse among hundreds of items from individual homeowners, interior designers and estate sales that would be unaffordable if purchased new.
“This is the beginning of the estate sale swing,” Elizabeth says. “I have dates for three in February and March. Most are scheduled in that 60-day window after an owner gets a contract and is motivated to make decisions on what to keep and what to sell.” Sometimes owners and brokers ask her to schedule a sale on a non-selling property hoping to generate a buzz. She also puts together sales in newly built homes staged with her furnishings. Sellers don’t always realize that proceeds from estate sales are completely tax free.